The following is an enlightening, fictional meeting between Bob Marley and Hale Makua inspired by the book Adventure of a Lifetime by John A Brodie Setting the Scene In a remote mountain village nestled among the towering peaks of the Hawaiian Islands, the tranquil...
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HANK WESSELMAN: How to Increase Your Mana & Power through Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom | Bowl of Light
The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman by Hank Wesselman (Author) In 1996, a revered Hawaiian elder befriended an American anthropologist, and from their rare and intimate rapport, something miraculous emerged. Through the words and teachings of...
Will AI ever admit it is wrong?
A Conversation Inspired by a Post on LinkedIn (25) Eddie Deen | LinkedIn)My feeling is that AI is a "tool" like but more sophisticated than others developed by humans. The concerns that many humans have is that, because of us, many pre-conceived ideas, biases of those...