🌎💫You’re Invited on a Magical Adventure In Transformation! 🌿✨

Embark on a captivating journey through stories woven with wisdom—guiding us toward a brighter, more fulfilling future. In this pivotal time for humanity, these tales illuminate the path to joy, harmony, and a thriving world. Will you join the adventure? 

It does not matter how old you are, if you are ready for some fun and adventure, you are in the right place.  If you are a caretaker of children, you can take this “magical course” at the same time going on the journey together like Dorothy and her friends on The Yellow Brick Road.

'Adventure at the Edge of Creation' is a wonder-filled book designed for young readers and for elders to read to their children. The book will take all of you on a transformative journey that delivers beneficial insights for readers and listeners young and old.

(‘Adventure at the Edge of Creation’ is an adaptation of the book, ‘Adventure of a Lifetime’, by John A. Brodie, designed to be accessible to a younger audience. The intention is for those who connect with the messages found in John Brodie’s stories to share this new book with young people and expose them to several useful insights for living a fulfilling and joyous life. By following the principles outlined in either version of this tale, anyone can learn to harness their inherent creative power and design the life they truly desire.)

Give yourself (or a young Life Adventurer that you know) a curiously challenging and enjoyable series of stories taking you on a Yellow Brick Road to a magical future of your own making!  ‘Adventure at the Edge of Creation’ is a classic adventure tale for all ages that is ideal for entertaining and inspiring young minds to reach for their dreams (and if you think you are too old to learn some new tricks, find a young person to read and discuss these stories with and surprise yourself).

The book encourages everyone to embrace a lifestyle of harmony and care for all living things, living their life as a magical adventure with their heart’s desires as their compass. While this “family” version of the book is written in simpler terms than the full-length book, the lessons imparted will be useful and valuable to readers of all ages.

Adventure at the Edge of Creation is an adaptation of the book, Adventure of a Lifetime, by John A. Brodie. Both books will help you find new perspectives on life and help you find the path to your best future. By following the principles outlined in either version of this tale, you can learn to harness your inherent creative power and design the life you truly desire.


Stories have a unique way of shaping minds and hearts, especially during formative years. Adventure at the Edge of Creation offers a treasure trove of imaginative tales, weaving profound lessons with playful journeys in a magical forest. Whether read aloud to children or explored individually, these stories hold the potential to nurture confidence, creativity, and a sense of purpose. Through captivating encounters with wise beings like the Story Stone, Gabriel, and Alana, readers embark on an inner journey that teaches them to shape their reality through love, belief, and imagination.  (https://amzn.to/4dFct5b)

The information that follows explores why engaging with these narratives can become a vital part of personal development, helping readers evolve into happy, creative, and active contributors to their communities.

“Adventure at The Edge of Creation” is available on Kindle or a paperback edition from Amazon at this link: https://amzn.to/3TaWNPJ

Throughout their adventures, our young adventurers encounter characters who encourage them to recognize their inner strength. A core message—delivered by characters like Olivia the owl and Gabriel—is the idea that each person is the author of their own story. This concept is a powerful antidote to self-doubt. Readers, or those hearing the stories aloud, learn that their thoughts, beliefs, and actions directly influence their future. By embracing this responsibility, they are empowered to take ownership of their lives.

Fostering Creativity and Imagination

The Magic Forest is a realm where reality is shaped by imagination, and every path offers new possibilities. In encounters with Franklin the fox and Rachel the rabbit, you learn to think outside the box and envision worlds beyond limitations. These lessons encourage children to explore their creativity freely, reminding them that every great invention, solution, or dream begins first with an idea.

Building Emotional Intelligence through Love and Gratitude

A recurring theme in these stories is the importance of love, gratitude, and appreciation. Characters like the Story Stone and the Maharishi emphasize how gratitude attracts joy and positive outcomes, teaching readers that happiness is not a destination but a state of being. This focus on emotional awareness helps children understand that feelings are not to be ignored but are important guides to living a balanced and joyful life.

Encouraging Intentional Living and Responsibility

The Magic Forest adventures also teach the importance of intentional living. Alana, one of the forest caretakers, explains that we are either active creators of our reality or passive participants. Our young adventurers learn that their choices—no matter how small—affect not only their personal lives but also the world around them. This message fosters a sense of responsibility in readers, encouraging them to take mindful action toward their goals while being considerate of others and the environment.

Shaping a Positive Future through the Power of Belief

Perhaps the most transformative message in the Magic Forest adventures is that belief shapes reality. Whether it is through quantum physics principles explained by David Bohm or through metaphors shared by the Story Stone, readers learn that their thoughts and expectations have immense creative power. This understanding encourages children to aim high, cultivate positive expectations, and align their actions with their dreams.

Our cast of teachers…

They stepped into the clearing, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves around them. Suddenly, they saw a figure approaching. It was a tall, wise-looking man with twinkling eyes and a kind smile. He introduced himself as Christopher, a guide in the Realm of Infinite Possibilities.

Christopher spoke about the power of their thoughts, words, and emotions. “You are Time-Space Adventurers,” he said. “Your thoughts shape your own world. Ask yourselves: What is the essence of your story? What do you believe your purpose to be in this big adventure we are all part of?” —> READ CHRISTOPHER’S CHAPTER

Sitting by the water’s edge was a woman with sparkling eyes and a mischievous smile. She wore a green shirt that blended with the forest and had a black cat sitting on her lap. Alana looked up and smiled as the children approached.

Alana continued, “Each of us sees our own version of this shared world. Our thoughts shape our reality. Every thought you have can change the world, even in small ways. When you fill your words and thoughts with positive feelings, you can make those wishes become reality faster.”

She wore a flowing dress that shimmered in the sunlight, and her presence made the forest feel even more vibrant and alive. "Hello, children," the woman greeted them warmly. "My name is Stephanie, and I am one of the caretakers of this magical forest."

“To become really good at something and to truly enjoy it, you need dedication and happiness,” Stephanie explained. “This applies to everything in life. Without joy, life can feel dull and hard.”

The man turned to them with a gentle smile. "Hello. My name is David Bohm. I am a physicist who loves to explore the mysteries of the universe."

The man turned to them with a gentle smile. “Hello. My name is David Bohm. I am a physicist who loves to explore the mysteries of the universe.”

"Hello, Willow and Birdie, I heard you were exploring this wonderland of the natural world. My name is Gabriel.” The man greeted them with a warm smile. "Are you ready for another lesson in the Magic Forest?"

“Hello, Willow and Birdie, I heard you were exploring this wonderland of the natural world. My name is Gabriel.” The man greeted them with a warm smile. “Are you ready for another lesson in the Magic Forest?”

Makua believed the foundation we build now will shape our future for many years. "He cautioned us about the Technology Age, where social conditioning and constant information try to define our reality. But Makua emphasized that we do have the power to shape our reality. What we believe becomes our truth."

Hale Makua believed the foundation we build now will shape our future for many years. “Makua emphasized that we do have the power to shape our reality. What we believe becomes our truth.”

Guided by our teachers…

Willow and Birdie learn that they are not just passive participants in life but active creators of their own stories. Embracing the power of the Law of Attraction and the wisdom of ancient teachings, they commit to spreading joy, love, and positivity. Their journey in the Magic Forest becomes a metaphor for life’s grand adventure, where every thought and action can shape their reality.

The book encourages readers to see themselves as designers of their own reality, capable of manifesting their desires through positive thinking and belief in their potential. With each chapter, Willow and Birdie’s adventures serve as a reminder that imagination and self-belief are the keys to a fulfilling and harmonious life.

You can order a custom printed version of this book with two young people you know in the starring roles for $24 + postage.   For information, please email magicforest@positivibes.net.

Order a Kindle copy for your family now for only $4.95 (Paperback $12.95) 

In a magical realm known as the Edge of Creation, adventurers of all ages find they have the ability to create new realities through imagination, live vibrant lives filled with wonder.  The two stars of this version of our story are Willow and Birdie, two dreamers whose journey begins with finding a sparkling path leading to the heart of this enchanted world.

Join them as the story takes everyone on a transformative journey that delivers beneficial insights for readers and listeners young and old. The book encourages everyone to embrace a lifestyle of harmony and care for all living things, living their life as a magical adventure with their heart’s desires as their compass. While this “family” version of the book is written in simpler terms than the full-length book, the lessons imparted will be equally useful and valuable to readers of all ages.

This book is an adaptation of the book, Adventure of a Lifetime, by John A. Brodie, that offers a wealth of insights into creating a fulfilling and joyous life. By following the principles outlined in either version of this tale, you can learn to harness your inherent creative power and design the life you truly desire.

This family version is available customized to use the names of two children you know as the “young adventurers” featured in the book. For information on ordering a customized version, contact MagicForest@PositiVibes.net.

The Designer of Reality™ Success Course for Everyone (only $10 with this Introductory offer)

Adventure at The Edge of Creation” is available on Kindle or a paperback edition from Amazon at this link: https://amzn.to/3TaWNPJ

If you enjoy the book please leave a review and let others know about this story. Our mission is building happier, more full-filled and wonderful adventure filled lives!

A Designer of Reality™ Story from The PositiVibes Network Inc.

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We will send you updates and occasional PositiVibes News. Here is the link to download the "Edge of Creation" Parent/Teacher Study Guide: https://bit.ly/4e32HKp

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