One Person Can Change The World

Sep 9, 2024 | Global Impact | 0 comments

Written By

John A. Brodie

Maharishi with The Beatles

One Person Can Change The World: TM & Maharishi:

Step into the extraordinary life of a young Indian boy, born into an upper caste family in the early 1900s. Though his humble beginnings offered little hint of the remarkable path that lay ahead, destiny had grand plans for him. This is the captivating tale of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a man whose teachings would transcend borders and transform the lives of millions.

As a student of physics at Allahabad University, he delved into the mysteries of the physical world, paving the way for a future defined by enlightenment. Yet, it was during this period of his life that he encountered a man whose spiritual journey had already spanned many years. Swāmī Brahmānanda Saraswatī, a seeker of truth, had embarked on a quest for a spiritual mentor at the tender age of nine. After years of exploration, he found his chosen master and devoted himself to become Swami Krishnānanda Saraswati. For two decades, Saraswati immersed himself in solitude and study until, at the age of 34, he was ordained into the order of “Sanyas” by his master. From there, he retreated to a cave in central India, living a life of seclusion until his seventieth birthday when he assumed the role of Shankaracharya, the spiritual master of the Jyotir Math monastery.

It was at this pivotal juncture that he crossed paths with the young man, Mahesh Srivastava. Together, they embarked on a mission to rebuild the monastery and restore its prominence as a center for traditional Advaita teachings. For nearly twelve years, the man who would later come to be known as Maharishi served and studied under Saraswati, entrusted with important responsibilities such as managing his correspondence and delivering public speeches on Vedic themes. Although Maharishi was highly regarded as a favorite student, his Brahmin Caste excluded him from being named Saraswati’s successor.

In 1955, circumstances led Maharishi to depart from the monastery in Uttarkashi to share a profound meditation technique he had learned from his revered teacher. This transformative practice, initially called “Transcendental Deep Meditation,” would later become known simply as Transcendental Meditation (TM). Maharishi’s desire to spread the teachings of TM throughout the world became his burning passion, leading him to declare his intentions before a large audience in Madras in 1958. Soon after, in 1959, Maharishi embarked on his first world tour, driven by a conviction that he possessed knowledge useful to every person on the planet.

The Global Spread of TM

The impact of Maharishi’s journey would reach far and wide, captivating influential cultural icons in the music industry such as The Beatles and Beach Boys. These figures, drawn to the promise of inner peace and expanded consciousness, stepped away from the glare of the world’s spotlight to explore their own spiritual depths. Through their endorsement and support, Maharishi’s TM movement rapidly gained global recognition and influence.

Reflecting on the interconnectedness of lives, it’s fascinating to observe how our personal journeys intersect and influence one another, all part of a broader tapestry of evolving consciousness. For the author of this account, the awakening of spiritual curiosity occurred during a Comparative Religions class at Rutgers University. A revelation emerged, revealing the unity and shared essence at the heart of various religious traditions, transcending the divisive barriers erected by human interpretations. This realization, alongside an upbringing that emphasized tolerance and open-mindedness, set the stage for a deeper exploration.

The Proven Benefits of TM

My journey of self-discovery with TM started at Rutgers University, where I found a transformative series of introductory classes. Meditation, a profound science, holds the key to unlocking the potential of your body and mind. Delving deep into the intricacies of this ancient practice reshapes brain patterns, influences physiology, and empowers individuals to combat the detrimental effects of stress and anxiety.

Holistic well-being emerges as meditation harmonizes with a nourishing diet and moderate exercise, creating a comprehensive program for vitality. The effortless nature of TM, accessible to anyone seeking serenity and self-transcendence, offers peaceful wonders on this transformative path. The student is provided with a “sound”, known as a mantra. This sound is given no meaning, but as it is repeated in the mind it creates an internal vibration in the mind that naturally causes a more harmonized state of being. Serotonin levels are increased, and cortisol levels are decreased. Breathing and metabolism are slowed. TM effortlessly produces a state of restfulness that reduces stress and promotes healing and harmonizing of the body-mind system.

TM, transcending religious boundaries and aligning with the domain of science, offers profound benefits. Learning the practice involves three 2-hour sessions culminating in the personal mantra initiation—a resonant sound pattern chosen from ancient Indian texts. This sacred sound, held within thoughts and guarded in secrecy, transforms lives.

Science and TM

The great benefits of meditation are extensively documented. More and more people are discussing meditation and mindfulness every day. TM, particularly through the work of the David Lynch Foundation, has been rigorously researched. Science reveals that TM significantly reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while improving overall well-being and cognitive function.

In the depths of matter’s essence lies a profound tale waiting to be unveiled. Atoms, the elemental building blocks of mass, reveal an astonishing truth: emptiness prevails. Quantum physics shows that time and physicality are constructs of consciousness, revealing our role as co-creators of reality.

As we embrace meditation and higher consciousness, we understand our interconnectedness with the universe. Ideas and powers once known only to a few are now accessible to the masses. Consciousness shapes our reality, a realization that transforms our understanding of existence.


Transcendental Meditation, born from the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, has spread globally, influencing millions and offering profound benefits. As science validates its effectiveness, more people turn to TM for inner peace and expanded consciousness. The journey of self-discovery through TM unlocks our limitless potential, revealing our role as co-creators of reality. Embrace this transformative practice and explore the wonders of your true self.

Learn more at Daily Meditation (


Adventure at The Edge of Creation” is available on Kindle or a paperback edition from Amazon at this link:

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A Designer of Reality™ Story from The PositiVibes Network Inc.

A Story to Inspire Young Minds and Enrich Adult-Child Relationships

Written By

John A. Brodie

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