Formula for Success

Aug 17, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Written By

John A. Brodie

Jack Boland

We will provide access to several programs presented to live audiences.  I was first introduced to Jack when working with Jody Victor.  Mr. Victor is one of the most successful business builders in the Amway organization.  He introduced me to a tape series entitled “All About Goals” by Jack Boland.  This series was a revelation to me in the way it combined business success and achievement with Spiritual principals.

One of the most effective ways to broaden your perspective on all aspects of life is through listening to talks and reading books.  “TED Talks” have become very popular for this reason as they inspire people to open themselves to new perspectives.

Jack Boland

Formula for Success

by Jack Boland | Formula for Success

We offer a powerful “Formula for Success” by Jack Boland that we are sure you will enjoy and benefit from.  This first series is a six-part presentation.

Written By

John A. Brodie

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