Unleash Your Creative Potential

Design the Life You Truly Desire

Discover how Adventure of a Lifetime can guide you to harness your inherent creative power and transform your life.

John A. Brodie

John A. Brodie

As founder of The PositiVibes Network, my intent is to do whatever comes my way to nurture an atmosphere of appreciation, unity, love and compassion for all of us in this magical world that we find ourselves in. It is the continuing “Adventure of a Lifetime”.

My professional career grew out of a love for music. I started with a job as one of the NBC Paige and Guide Staff giving tours of the studios. NBC didn’t want professional tour guides, so they posted jobs around the company every week and that lead to a job in TV commercial scheduling. Regularly letting everyone know my passion for the music business, I eventually found my way to an Account Executive job with a newly formed NBC Rock n Roll Radio Network, The Source. For me this was all a dream coming true. This was a sales job I was made for as a huge fan of everything I was working on. I did very well and when one of the top executives with the Source moved to the just gone public Westwood One Radio Network, I became a draft pick and joined their new sales staff. A few years further along I would be VP Business Development and Director of Music Marketing. In less than 10 years, our core team of Rock n’ Rollers took the company from 12 million in annual revenue to over 150 million. 

I will tell the story of some of the adventures that would follow in the book, “Adventure of a Lifetime” that has slowly been coming together over the years. It is my story and all of our stories really in the pages of the book – with the realization that it is together that we must dream the future for humankind into being, renewing our sense of harmony, love, unity and compassion for all. I have come to realize that how we think and act is the force determining our future. We each come into this life adventure with different starting points and as C. S. Lewis said, “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”. I am hoping this book will be a useful guide to happy endings. We are all in this together.

What Our Readers Say

Reviewed in the United States on June 19, 2024

This is a wonderful book by John Brodie. Each chapter is a new adventure that helps each of us find the path that best aligns us with our own, unique Adventure of a Lifetime. These are all true stories of people who have realized the remarkable energy, satisfaction and joy that arises out of aligning more fully with our personal inner beings – in other words, unites us with our souls. I have the audio version so I can listen, over and over again, to these timely and timeless stories of meeting and greeting our lives (our selves) on a whole new and much healthier basis – level – plane – perspective! Two quotes from Rumi come to mind: “The universe is not outside you. Look inside yourself, everything you want you already are.” – and – “Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.” So – ENJOY this book to its fullest and most inspiring!

Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2024

If you want to be inspired to accomplish all of your dreams, this is the book for you! John’s voice (both audibly and in writing) is wonderful to listen to. This book provides thoughtful examples that highlight the potential we all have to make our dreams come true. John discusses different people and stories that help the reader understand what actions they can take to reshape their beliefs and become the happiest and most fulfilled versions of themselves. This book left me inspired, more knowledgeable, and excited to go on the adventure of creating my own happier, satisfied reality. This book taught me valuable lessons and gave me the tools I need to expand my mind and embody my true self.

Reviewed in the United States on May 21, 2024

This is a journey of self-realization and the power each has to create more positive experiences for our world, ourselves, and others through positivity and love. These themes are intricately woven throughout the stories involving well-known folks including David Bohm, Richard Bach, Bob Marley, and more.

The author, John A. Brodie, shares his life experiences, thoughts, and dreams. Several themes are threaded throughout with a heavy emphasis that self-discovery is essential in recognizing one’s capabilities and one’s potential. Also included is the importance of personal development, shaping the world through recycling, and more.

Listening to the narrator/author, John A. Brodie, reminded me of those talks I would have with my grandparents when I was young sitting on the porch or out in the yard. Their words of advice, encouragement, and guidance. Involving a professional narrator would have detracted from the message and feeling of the audiobook completely. It was the down-to-earth voice that captured and projected the richness of the message. The one downside to this audiobook was the nature sounds. It was at times overwhelming white noise.

This audiobook triggered memories of my childhood which enhanced the message more intimately.

Unleash Your Creative Power

Embark on the Adventure of a Lifetime with John Brodie’s transformative book, Adventure of a Lifetime. We are not mere spectators in the theater of creation—we are its architects. Challenges and crises are not punishments but inspirations, urging us to design solutions that bring balance and harmony. Imagine standing at the edge of creation, where every moment is a new beginning shaped by your consciousness. In this journey of conscious creation, you will awaken the hero within, unleashing your creative power to shape a world of beauty, love, and fulfillment. Join John Brodie as he guides you through a path of transformational discovery, where your thoughts and beliefs shape your unique reality. This is more than a book; it’s a call to action, inviting you to embrace the power within and co-create a world filled with boundless wonder and limitless possibilities. The adventure of a lifetime awaits—are you ready to step into your true nature as a Designer of Reality?

Design the Life You Desire

Harness the principles outlined in Adventure of a Lifetime to create a life filled with purpose and joy. This book provides you with the tools to break free from limitations and embrace your true potential. Each chapter is designed to inspire and motivate you to take actionable steps towards your goals. Accompanied by stunning visuals, the book serves as a guide and a source of inspiration on your journey to self-discovery and fulfillment.

Fill your life with JOY and LOVE

Upcoming Online Courses

This course empowers individuals to view their lives as a dynamic adventure game, where their beliefs, thoughts, and emotions shape their reality. By understanding and applying principles of intention, creative visualization, affirmations, and dedicated practice, participants will learn how to rewrite their mental programming to create a fulfilling and joyful life. The course is structured into three core modules: Awareness, Transformation, and Mastery, integrating themes of love, gratitude, interconnectedness, and responsible stewardship.

Mastering the Game of Life: Cultivating Joy and Satisfaction

This course empowers individuals to view their lives as a dynamic adventure game, where their beliefs, thoughts, and emotions shape their reality. By understanding and applying principles of intention, creative visualization, affirmations, and dedicated practice, participants will learn how to rewrite their mental programming to create a fulfilling and joyful life. The course is structured into three core modules: Awareness, Transformation, and Mastery, integrating themes of love, gratitude, interconnectedness, and responsible stewardship.

Take the First Step Towards Your Dream Life

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We will send you updates and occasional PositiVibes News. If you have not already got your copy of the "Adventure of a Lifetime" guidebook to a transformational adventure, we recommend the exclusive Audible release as read by the author, John Brodie (get it here https://amzn.to/3WVLQCz )

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