In the light of what’s happening in this chaotic world today, I feel moved to tell my story with all its different facets, because my main hope is that the reader will see the human face of the marginalised. Then, hopefully, gain a more compassionate understanding of all those who live on the margins of society. I hope the reader finds clues on how to make connections with people different from them, or to change the top down competitive economic system so all people are justly valued whether they were in paid work or out of paid work.
Results for "dark holy"
The Story Begins: Adventure at the Edge of Creation
An Invitation to an Extraordinary Journey Step into a world of wonder and possibility with Adventure at the Edge of Creation! Now available on Audible, you can experience the magic of Chapter One, brought to life by Linda Granville’s reading. This classic adventure...
Super Powers of the Mind
I am glad that you have come to this page. The ideas in Jack Boland's "Super Powers of the Mind" are LIFE principles that can be applied to all of us. I want to suggest that if you are reading "Adventure at the Edge of Creation" to a young person or exploring my...
WELCOME TO THE EDGE OF CREATION Why are we/you here? You Are Here to Master Your Role in the Greatest Adventure of All: Your Life! "We got into this adventure to be challenged to find the best path to happiness and personal satisfaction while participating in the...
Embark on a journey that will change your life forever. Learn how to harness your creative power and design a life filled with love, appreciation, and satisfaction.Welcome to our recommended reading featuring The Adventure of a Lifetime and Adventure at the Edge of...