Sri Yantra Meditation

Feb 27, 2025 | Personal Growth, Practical Tips | 0 comments

Written By

John A. Brodie

Adventuring at the Edge of Creation as a Designer of Reality

The People

Today, we gather with awareness that the cycles of life continue. We are reminded of our responsibility to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. Together, we unite our minds, sharing greetings and gratitude with one another as people.
Now we are of one mind.

The Earth Mother

We express our gratitude to Mother Earth, who provides everything we need for life. She supports us with each step we take, and we rejoice that she continues to care for us as she has since the beginning of time. To Mother Earth, we send our deepest thanks.
Now we are of one mind.

The Waters

We are grateful for the waters of the world that quench our thirst and give us strength. Water is life itself. We recognize its power in waterfalls, rain, mists, streams, rivers, and oceans. With unity in our hearts, we give thanks to the spirit of Water.
Now we are of one mind.

The Fish

We turn our attention to the fish and all aquatic life, who help purify the waters and sustain us with nourishment. We are grateful that clear waters still exist, and we send our gratitude to the fish.
Now we are of one mind.

The Plants

We honor the vast array of plants, growing as far as the eye can see, working wonders for all life. They sustain and nourish many beings. Together, we offer our thanks and look forward to their continued presence for future generations.
Now we are of one mind.

The Food Plants

With gratitude, we honor the food plants—grains, vegetables, beans, and berries—that have nourished us since the beginning. They sustain not just us but countless other life forms. We gather all the foods together in gratitude and thanks.
Now we are of one mind.

The Medicine Herbs

We turn our attention to the healing plants of the world, who have always been there to take away illness. We are grateful for those who still remember how to use these plants for healing. With deep appreciation, we give thanks to the medicines and their keepers.
Now we are of one mind.

The Animals

We gather our thoughts to give thanks to all the animals, who teach us through their lives and offer themselves as food. We see them near our homes, in forests, and in the wild, and we are grateful for their presence. We hope they will continue to thrive.
Now we are of one mind.

The Trees

We turn to the trees, whose families cover the Earth. They provide shelter, shade, fruit, and beauty, reminding us of peace and strength. With gratitude, we greet and thank the trees for their many gifts.
Now we are of one mind.

The Birds

We come together in gratitude for the birds, who fly above us, filling the air with their songs. Every day, they remind us to appreciate life’s beauty. From the smallest bird to the mighty eagle, we send our joyful thanks.
Now we are of one mind.

The Four Winds

We give thanks for the Four Winds, whose voices refresh the air and bring the changing seasons. From every direction, they carry messages and energy. Together, we send our thanks to the Winds.
Now we are of one mind.

The Thunderers

We turn our thoughts to the Thunder Beings in the west, whose voices and lightning bring the rains that sustain life. We are thankful for their role in maintaining balance. With unity, we send our thanks to the Thunderers.
Now we are of one mind.

The Sun

We now give thanks to our elder Brother, the Sun, who brings light and warmth every day. His journey across the sky fuels all life. With gratitude, we send our thanks to the Sun.
Now we are of one mind.

Grandmother Moon

We offer our thanks to Grandmother Moon, who lights the night and guides the cycles of time. She is the leader of women and governs the ocean tides. She watches over the arrival of new life. With unity, we thank our Grandmother, the Moon.
Now we are of one mind.

The Stars

We give thanks to the stars, spread across the night sky like jewels. They help guide us in the dark and bring dew to nourish the growing things. With gratitude, we send thanks to the stars.
Now we are of one mind.

The Enlightened Teachers

We offer our thanks to the enlightened teachers, past and present, who remind us of how to live in harmony with the world. They guide us when we lose our way. With unity, we send our thanks to these wise teachers.
Now we are of one mind.

The Creator

We turn our thoughts to the Creator, who has given us all the gifts of life. Everything we need for a good life is here on this Earth. For the love that surrounds us, we offer our deepest thanks.
Now we are of one mind.

Closing Words

We have come to the end of our words. If we have left anything unspoken, we leave it to each individual to offer thanks in their own way.
Now we are of one mind.

Written By

John A. Brodie

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The Magic Forest held a different kind of stillness today. It was not the hush of dawn, nor the quiet before a storm—it was the stillness of something profound about to unfold. Karuna Mundita sensed it as he walked the moss-covered path, the scent of rain-kissed earth rising in the air.

Then, he saw her.

Standing at the edge of a quiet clearing, a woman gazed out at the mist swirling above the ground. There was a depth to her presence, as though she carried the voices of many within her. Her silver-streaked hair caught the light filtering through the branches, and in her eyes, Karuna saw stories—stories of struggle, resilience, and an unbreakable spirit.

She turned, sensing her before he spoke. A knowing smile played on her lips. “You walk gently, but you carry a great force, don’t you?”

Karuna bowed his head slightly. “Only the force of the story we all share. And you, Linda Granville, you have walked through the fire to bring light where there was none.”

Linda chuckled, stepping closer. “Light and darkness—they dance together, don’t they? Some places in this world, the darkness tries to consume everything. But even in the hardest streets, the coldest nights, the poorest neighborhoods, there is something—a flicker, a spark. That’s what I search for.”

Karuna nodded. “And you give voice to those who have been forgotten, the ones lost in the noise of a world that refuses to hear.”

She exhaled softly. “I’ve sat with the voiceless. Listened to stories nobody wanted to hear. Poverty, exclusion, cruelty—these things don’t just happen. They’re built, brick by brick, by indifference, by fear. But I’ve also seen something else.”

Karuna tilted his head, inviting her to continue.

Linda’s eyes glowed with quiet fire. “I’ve seen how one person—just one—can change a life. A kind word. A moment of understanding. A belief in someone who has forgotten how to believe in themselves. It doesn’t take much. And yet, it takes everything.”

Karuna smiled. “Every life touches another. Every action sends out ripples. You have been a creator of ripples, Linda.”

She crossed her arms, looking past her, into the shifting patterns of the forest. “But it’s not enough, is it? The world still turns away. People still fall through the cracks. The powerful still rewrite the story, erasing the ones they don’t want to see.”

Karuna stepped forward. “And yet, you are still here. Still fighting. Still telling the stories. That is the only way darkness is ever truly dispelled. Not by fighting it, but by refusing to let it silence the truth.”

Linda studied her for a moment, then let out a quiet laugh. “You remind me of the old ones—the ones who know that real change doesn’t come from anger, but from something deeper. A different kind of power.”

Karuna nodded. “The power of vision. Of seeing a world not as it is, but as it could be. And believing in it so completely that it begins to take form.”

Linda let his words settle. The forest seemed to breathe with them, leaves whispering, roots shifting deep in the earth.

Then she spoke again. “When I wrote Dark Holy Ground, I wanted people to understand—really understand—what it means to stand in the places nobody wants to look at. To see the humanity in those written off as lost. To refuse to accept suffering as inevitable.”

Karuna’s gaze was steady. “And you have done that. But the journey is not over.”

Linda nodded, a flicker of determination lighting her face. “No. It never is.”

Karuna gestured around them, at the towering trees, the ever-flowing river. “Then let us plant a seed here, in this Magic Forest, for all who seek hope, for all who fight for the forgotten. A reminder that even in the darkest soil, something sacred can grow.”

Linda smiled. “A seed of belief. A seed of possibility.”

Together, they knelt. Karuna placed his hands upon the earth, and Linda followed. With quiet reverence, they pressed their hands into the soil, letting intention seep into the roots of the world.

As they rose, the wind stirred, carrying their message beyond the forest, beyond the pages of history, beyond the places where hope had been abandoned.

Linda looked at Karuna, her voice steady. “The story isn’t over. Not yet.”

Karuna smiled. “It never is. And you, Linda Granville, will make sure of that.”

She chuckled, glancing at the sky. “Then I suppose we’d better keep going.”

And with that, she turned, walking back into the world beyond the Magic Forest, carrying with her the voices of the unheard, the weight of untold stories, and the unshakable belief that even in the darkest places, light can—and must—be found.  

Linda Granville: Giving Voice to the Forgotten

The Power of Activism and Storytelling

Linda Granville understands that the most powerful stories are not always the ones told in the light—but the ones fought for in the shadows. Her book, Dark Holy Ground: A Journey into Activism, is more than a memoir; it is a testament to the resilience of those society tries to erase.

She reminds us that the greatest battle is not against external oppression alone, but against the internal despair that tells people their lives don’t matter. In her work, she challenges this lie and replaces it with something stronger—hope.


Key Lessons from Linda Granville:

    • Listening is a form of activism – The unheard need not just a voice, but someone willing to truly
    • Small actions create massive change – A single act of kindness can shift a life’s trajectory.
    • The system teaches separation, but we are all connected – What happens to one affects us all.
    • Stories have power – By changing the narrative, we change the future.

Just as Karuna reminds us that belief shapes reality, Linda Granville teaches that refusing to look away is the first step toward transformation. And so, her message, like the stories she has fought to tell, continues its journey—finding those who need it most, planting seeds of hope in the darkest ground.  DARK HOLY GROUND


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