Karuna Hum (a meditation)

Sep 24, 2024 | Global Impact, Mindfulness, Personal Growth | 0 comments

Written By

John A. Brodie

A meditation for compassion with Karuna Hum

PositiVibes Network's Designer of Reality LOGO

Karuna Hum Meditation: A Journey of Compassion

Introduction: This meditation exercise is centered around the mantra “Karuna Hum,” which translates to “I am compassion.” This practice will help you connect with your inner source of compassion and radiate it out into the world. This meditation can be done seated or lying down, in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed for 10-15 minutes.

Part 1: Settling the Mind (2-3 minutes)

  1.  Find a Comfortable Position:
    Sit or lie down in a way that feels comfortable to you. Close your eyes gently and take 3-4 full deep breaths, in through the nose, holding it a moment, and out through the mouth.
    Allow your body to relax with each exhale.
  2. Grounding in the Present Moment:
    Bring your awareness to the sensations in your body. Notice the points of contact—your feet on the floor, your hands resting on your lap, or your body supported by the chair or floor.
    Feel yourself fully in the present moment, rooted and at ease.
  3. Breath Awareness:
    Shift your attention back to your breathing. Breathe naturally, without trying to change the rhythm. As you inhale, imagine drawing in peace and calm. As you exhale, release any tension or distractions.
    Feel your breath guiding you into deeper relaxation.

Part 2: Introduction to Karuna Hum (1 minute)

  1. Understanding the Mantra:
    Gently bring your awareness to the mantra: Karuna Hum.
    “Karuna” means compassion, and “Hum” means “I am.” Together, this mantra reminds you that you are an embodiment of compassion.


    With each breath, allow yourself to connect with this feeling of compassion—for yourself, for others, and for the world.

Part 3: Mantra Meditation (5-7 minutes)

  1. Repeating the Mantra:
    Begin to silently or softly chant the mantra Karuna Hum with your breath.
    As you inhale, mentally say or hear Karuna, and as you exhale, mentally say or hear Hum.
  2. Visualizing Compassion:
    With each repetition of Karuna Hum, visualize compassion blossoming in your heart like a warm, radiant light. Imagine this light spreading through your entire body, filling you with kindness and love.
  3. Expanding Compassion:
    After a few minutes, imagine this light of compassion expanding beyond your body. See it radiating out from you in all directions, touching the people around you, your loved ones, your community, and even those you’ve never met.
    Feel the energy of compassion flowing from you, knowing that you are a source of healing in the world.
  4. Return to the Breath:
    As your mind wanders, when you notice gently bring it back to the mantra and the breath. Continue to breathe in Karuna and breathe out Hum, filling yourself with compassion and releasing it into the world.

Part 4: Closing the Meditation (2-3 minutes)

  1. Letting Go of the Mantra:
    After a few minutes, allow the mantra to fade gently from your awareness. Come back to the natural rhythm of your breath.
    Feel the lingering effects of compassion within you, knowing that this energy is always available whenever you need it.
  2. Gratitude and Reflection:
    Take a moment to feel gratitude for this practice, for the compassion you’ve cultivated, and for the opportunity to connect with the deeper part of yourself.
  3. Slowly Reawaken:
    Begin to bring small movements back into your body—wiggle your fingers and toes, roll your shoulders. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes and reawaken to your surroundings.

Affirmation to End:
Silently say to yourself, “I carry compassion within me, and I share it freely with the world.”
Take this energy with you into your day, knowing that you are a vessel of kindness and love.

Closing Note:

You can return to this Karuna Hum meditation whenever you need to nurture your inner compassion or bring more kindness into your life.

Adventure at The Edge of Creation” is available on Kindle or a paperback edition from Amazon at this link: https://amzn.to/3TaWNPJ

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A Designer of Reality™ Story from The PositiVibes Network Inc.

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Written By

John A. Brodie

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