Writing Your Story

Sep 9, 2024 | Practical Tips | 0 comments

Written By

John A. Brodie

Have you ever wondered how you formed the identity you’ve attributed to yourself?

From the very beginning—your beginning, specifically for this lifetime—you have been bombarded with various descriptions, rules, and regulations as soon as the bio-computer, that you utilize to navigate this adventure world, was activated. “YOU” was essentially a blank slate when you embarked on your current adventure. Like every facet of your reality, it is a product of your imagination. You have crafted a remarkably intricate character to portray on the stage of life. There is a reality you may not be aware of—you can entirely change your character whenever you desire as long as you can envision and believe in how that new character would think, feel, and act.

The challenging part lies in the fact that, much like actors in films or on stage, it’s easy to become typecast if you consistently portray the same type of character. You become accustomed to a particular way of behaving and reacting. Undoubtedly, you excel at playing the role you’ve cast for yourself. You’ve practiced and refined this role over the years. What further complicates breaking free from established patterns is the existence of your bio-computer’s basic operating system, commonly known as the ego.

The ego functions as an autopilot that eagerly takes charge and will attempt to exert complete control over the character you portray. The tricky aspect is that your ego genuinely believes it is YOU. It yearns to be the master, not the servant. The ego resists the notion that there is any other version of “you.” It’s highly probable that your own autopilot ego is currently insisting that the idea of a separate “ego operating system” is preposterous and strays far from an accurate depiction of reality.

The ongoing commentary about every aspect of your life, past, present, and even predictions about your future, is not truly who you are. It’s the character you’ve created—a character that holds great value and usefulness, but it is not your essence. It’s the part of your brain/mind (your bio-computer) that tirelessly catalogs, records, and predicts outcomes based on past experiences.

Most people are unaware that they possess the power to seize the wheel and change course whenever they desire. Often, when they feel inspired to take control and alter their trajectory, the ego’s autopilot starts flashing warning lights, coaxing them to stick with the familiar, insisting that it knows best. This is why the ego often resists practices like meditation and dismisses many of the concepts presented in this guidebook as a waste of time. It doesn’t want any dubious ideas leading you into uncharted territories or questioning its decisions. Its primary directive is to protect you and keep you out of harm’s way. Consequently, everything revolves around analyzing each action based on past outcomes. This unfortunate dynamic anchors you in your past rather than the “imagineering” the future you are meant to shape.

The ego believes it is YOU. You might have unwittingly gone along with this notion and consider your ego to be your identity. However, let’s return to the beginning of your life experience. There is a point of consciousness—a Spirit, a Soul, or whatever term resonates with you—that is directly connected to the non-physical Universal energy field in which all matter exists. This point of consciousness has taken up residence within and animated the physical form you now call “your name here.” While you could have inhabited various life forms, you deliberately chose an incredibly sophisticated one—a state-of-the-art bio-computer operating system. You are the pinnacle of creation on planet Earth. This is not necessarily based solely on intelligence – it is again that “free will” part that sets humans apart. This is also what will probably set humans apart from Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will very likely surpass us in sheer intelligence.

When you were born into this physical body, your ego/mind, was ready to be programmed for functioning in the physical world. It acted as an absorbent sponge, soaking up every experience that came your way. The opinions of others, like you, became part of the programming from day one, as you received new clues and guidance each new day on who you were and how you should act and react. Moreover, you were exposed to highly advanced forms of entertainment and digital stimulus created by your society. A constant influx of ideas and perspectives bombarded you, and you did your best to make sense of it all. Based on these experiences and ideas, your bio-computer’s ego operating system formed conclusions about how the world works and how best to survive and find happiness—your sole objective. Over the years, you settled into a character that you accepted as your true self. Your ego is the embodiment of this “programmed” character you’ve created. However, it is not you—it is simply the result of the story you have created and the role you have chosen to portray.

Understanding this is crucial because your ego will continue doing what it has always done unless new information compels it to change its course. The ego’s primary function is self-preservation, and it believes the best approach is to avoid anything “unknown” and maintain the status quo. Your ego wants you to believe it holds all the answers and should be in complete control of your actions. From the moment you entered this life experience as (your name here), the ego has been tasked with doing whatever it deems necessary to ensure your survival for another day. It always plays it safe and has no interest in exploring anything new or untested. Anytime you’ve taken risks or ventured out of your comfort zone, your ego may be saying, “this is all a bunch of bull” or “too risky.” It is naturally very adamant that without its guidance you will be lucky to make it through the day.

The reason for the limitations of your ego-based operating system results because its primary function is survival – it is always basing its calculations and decisions on “worst case scenarios”. This is why there is so much appeal to all the horror and pain coverage by the news media – you “need” to know about this stuff so you can protect yourself. Being totally focused on survival, the ego is predominantly FEAR based, “you can’t be too careful after all, right?”

If you let your ego run the show you are going to get a lot of what you don’t really want because the ego is all too ready to believe in all kinds of threats to your safety. Your ego generally is quick to jump to the conclusion that if something can go wrong it will.

Again, it is important to make it clear that your ego is not a bad thing. It has clearly done a good job of keeping you alive to date. But it will never boldly go where no one has gone before (without a lot of convincing anyway). Your ego should be your trusted assistant, not the captain of your ship as you sail through your life.

Our intent here is to get you to realize:

  • YOU are not the “ego” you (that’s a personally created character you have formed in your mind based on your experiences and by those others you surround yourself as well as the programming you accept in from media and other outside sources).
  • YOU can use your ego to your advantage, but you must rise above social programming and program it, guided by your heart, firmly anchored in the positive polarity as you travel through time.
  • YOU must learn to program the ego to support whatever new improved reality you are inspired to desire.

Our computer analogy works well for the ego because it can only act on learned probabilities based on experience and accumulated data. The ego is your “General Manager” responsible for handling all the day-to-day activities. You couldn’t function without it, but you don’t want it to be controlling your decisions about what you are going to do moment to moment. The ego’s advice may be useful in decision-making at times, but it should best be left in charge of routine operations. You don’t really need or want its opinion on anything you feel inspired to do. If you want to go anywhere new, create a new story for yourself. You are going to have to give less control to that ego voice to move in new ways.

We have reached a pivotal moment in the narrative we’re presenting. If you are not the person depicted by the voice of your ego, then who are you?

First and foremost, it’s important to note that this doesn’t have to be seen through a religious lens. Regardless of one’s religious beliefs, these ideas can be embraced harmoniously. While religious concepts can be spun in many ways, their true purpose is to guide us toward a successful way of living. The intention behind all religions is to provide guidelines for a satisfying and fulfilling existence for conscious spiritual beings in the physical reality of our planet. Unfortunately, over time, these teachings have morphed and been embellished, shaped in ways unintended by their original creators. However, if we dig deep into the foundational ideas of most religions, we find similar and straightforward concepts.

It is our suggestion that many of the limiting, judgmental, critical, guilt-inducing, and fear-producing ideas prevalent in today’s religions have stemmed from misguided egos throughout history. The founders of the major religions understood that we are all interconnected as individual expressions of Universal consciousness, akin to drops of water in the vast ocean that merge to become “Ocean” —with unique parts yet intrinsically interconnected. The key realization that should arise from this understanding is the significance of the guideline to “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”

Modern science is increasingly proposing similar descriptions of existence—a network of interconnected yet distinct physical manifestations, all interacting within an infinite and undefined energy field. The sound of a falling tree in a forest only becomes significant if there is someone or something to perceive it. The ideas and concepts conveyed to you through these words only take form, shape, and meaning as you interpret them. It all exists within your imagination. This is a notion that our ego mind struggles to accept because it understands the world through accumulated experiences. The ego is designed to record and assign significance to the appearances of the world as filtered through its accumulated ideas. Embracing the idea that you can design your own reality from moment to moment, unaffected by past events, would mean that the ego should never hold control over your future, as it is perpetually bound to the past.

Every aspect of your reality is a product of choice, shaped by your thoughts and beliefs. Contrary to what you may have been taught, reality is not a “cause” but rather an “outcome”. This challenges the prevailing notion because the world is largely governed by egos that crave control. The ego’s comfort lies in the belief that it makes sound decisions based on its interpretation of your past experiences. However, even that interpretation is not absolute. Your perception of life’s events, up until this point, is subjective and unique. Within your closest circle of friends, you’ll find inconsistencies about what is considered “true.” What truly unsettles the ego, and what it will steadfastly avoid, is the realization that everything about reality is a choice.

Within you exists a thinking and reasoning entity separate from the ego. Since reality is molded by belief, the product of your imagination, everything that occurs in your life is ultimately up to you. As a conscious being with free will, separate from the ego, you possess the power to choose your thoughts and beliefs, thereby assuming responsibility for all that transpires in your life, for better or worse.

You are the writer and director of your own adventure. Nothing is fixed or predetermined. You are constantly shaping reality to align with your expectations. This is why it is crucial to realize that you need not adhere to the story dictated by your ego. You have the ability to rewrite that narrative at any moment. You simply need to transcend the ego’s unwavering certainty that it knows what’s truly happening.

First and foremost, you must be open to the possibility that reality is, indeed, a choice. Secondly, you must cultivate the ability to believe in what you desire rather than what you fear. Why is this challenging? Because you have allowed the ego’s voice to direct your story for a considerable time, and it has developed rigid ideas about how reality operates. It tends toward pessimism rather than optimism. Since you invariably attract what you expect, the ego’s pessimism consistently nudges you to expect what you do not desire. When faced with a bill to pay, your ego feels worry about inadequate funds. If you catch a cold, the ego convinces you it will worsen before getting better. Wanting a new car or house, your ego swiftly chimes in, saying, “You can’t afford it” or “That’s an unwise expenditure” or “If I purchase that, I won’t have enough for more important things.” In an attempt to keep you “realistic,” your ego will always conjure reasons why you are unlikely to attain what you desire. Worse yet, your ego may even go beyond hindering your belief in manifesting your dreams. Perhaps your ego is ridden with fears—fear of car accidents or muggers and thieves, for instance. In that case, it is your ego that says “yes” to inviting those unwanted experiences into your reality, making them a part of your life. The stronger the fear or worry, the more likely it will manifest into some tangible experience you are compelled to endure.

Understanding that you can always take charge of your personal reality, moment by moment, is why grasping this fundamental aspect of your “reality” is so crucial. Most people go through life as “victims,” believing that life happens to them based solely on their ego’s interpretation of reality. “Enlightenment” is often described as “waking up” because most individuals are operating on ego autopilot, akin to sleepwalking. Enlightenment is simply realizing that you have control over your vision for the future and your intentions as you stay focused in “now” moments not overshadowed by past events or fears about the future.

Breaking free from your ego’s stronghold over your perception of reality yields numerous realizations. First and foremost, regardless of the diversity of the “vehicles” we inhabit in this spacetime adventure, our physical presence is but an extremely sophisticated costume donned for the game we have chosen to play.

The biggest hindrance to realizing all your desires is what’s going on right in front of your eyes. The perceived “reality’ of the past and present have that ego part of your brain believing that is the way things are. If everything is going well, that does not have much of a negative effect other than tending to keep you at the same level of wellness. Remember, your ego only responds to the data that is coming in through the senses and even that data may be tainted by expectations based on whatever the ego believes about who you are and what your qualifications and capabilities are. So much of what your ego defines as reality is subjective – take any group of people sharing an event and no two of them will have identical evaluations of the positive or negative nature of the event. Perception is Reality. All of your past conditioning and programming determine how you will perceive the world around you. Just like no two people live in identical realities. Our life experiences and how we program our ego create our world.

Writing Your Life Story

Adventure at The Edge of Creation” is available on Kindle or a paperback edition from Amazon at this link: https://amzn.to/3TaWNPJ

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